Volcano Generation

2021- ongoing

Volcano Generation is a photographic essay exploring the concept of growing up in the volcanic archipelago of the Aeolian islands, an handful of islands located in the south of Italy, offshore the coast of Sicily. By treasuring the importance of silence, long lasting friendships, isolation and a different notion of time, the kids from Salina, Stromboli, Filicudi etc have learnt to create an intimate dialogue within themselves and with the nature around them. Trying to combine together the time of the island which seems so immutable and slow and the fast changing, dynamic time of adolescence, the project wishes to investigate how the islands’ own pace has shaped the past, present and future of the youth that inhabit them and how is tracing their trajectories. By documenting the seasons of the archipelago and the nuances of its youth, the project, stretching for over two years, wishes to offer a glimpse into the most complex and fascinating moment of the lifetime, the teenagehood, torn between quiet melancholic winters, joyful summers and everything in between.

The project, started with the support of National Geographic Covid-19 fund, together with journalist Marta Bellingreri, is also a podcast ( Generazione Vulcano ) on radio 3 soldi. The story could continue thanks to the support of Amaneï, the gallery and cultural space based in Salina which gave me the chance to transform the story into the a personal long term project and follow the unfolding youth of the Volcano Generation.